
Marijke Creveld My name is Marijke Creveld. I'm a classical homoeopathist with a Ph. D. in biology. I have been searching for new homoeopathic remedies that belong to modern times. People are ill because they have lost contact with the earth. People as well as the earth have always had a deep bond with trees. Trees are rooted in the earth and in heaven. They are related to survival and life on earth. This is why I started researching new remedies, made of the roots of trees .

During my search I read an article about the kaki-tree project in June 2000. A seedling of the kaki tree that survived the plutonium bomb on Nagasaki in 1945 was planted in the botanical garden (Hortus Botanicus) in Leiden by the Japanese artist Tatsuo Miyajima. This happened as part of the event commemorating '400 years of Dutch-Japanese relations'. Seedlings were planted by Tatsuo all over the world as a symbol of survival and growth in the most unexpected places. It's a message of peace. When I read this, I knew that this very special Kaki tree (Diospyros kaki) can help the earth and all life on earth in these times of pollution and hostility.